Clothing Making You Lose Weight!


The Thin Ice Weight Loss Clothing Line, recently backed on Indiegogo by more than half a million dollars, is designed to trick your body into thinking you’re cold and burning fat to keep you warm. The team behind Thin Ice is kicking off the line with two items to target areas of your body with a lot of thermoreceptors (nerves that detect temperature changes). The first is a tank top, dubbed a “vest.” The second is a pair of insoles. Peltier cooling strips (used to cool compact electronics) and the rechargeable battery that powers them are built in. Both garments connect to the Thin Ice Android or iOS app using Bluetooth Low Energy so you can see how many calories you’ve burned and control the temperature.

Turn the temp down and watch the weight fall off, the company claims.

And don’t worry, you won’t freeze to death: Even if you turn the temp as low as it will go, the company says you won’t end up shivering. The cooling mechanism targets specific parts of your body to trick your nervous system and avoid triggering the shiver response. The science is explained in depth in Scientific American and the New England Journal of Medicine, among others. In short, cold triggers your brown adipose tissue (BAT) to consume lipids (A.K.A. fat) to produce heat, and Thin Ice is designed to affect that consumption without chilling you enough to cause muscle spasms (shivering).

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