RainMachine takes your sprinkler game to the next level

Newegg.com review: RainMachine takes your sprinkler game to the next level

What makes it so smart?
"It isn’t just the app, which RainMachine does of course have. The intelligence comes from the ability to tap into the local weather forecast and adjust the watering accordingly. This is critical for us in Southern California in the midst of a severe drought, with watering restrictions and unreliable rainfall. The controller taps into the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) database for a specific, location-based forecast that updates regularly to account for changes in weather."

Surprisingly Easy Installation and Setup
"Setting up a basic program is really simple. Touch the Settings icon, then select Programs, then Add New Program. You can name the program (such as Vegetable Garden or Lawn), then set the frequency of watering (every day or every n number of days), the start time, and the base watering duration. The base watering duration is the amount of time to water on a typical summer day, say, five minutes."

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